
Temperature Probe Calibration

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CPS is now IANZ registered for contact thermometry, yes we can now calibrate your temperature probes, our calibration range is -100 to 660 C.

We use a selection of Dry Blocks and liquid baths for our temperature calibration work so have great flexibility in the service we can offer to you.

We also undertake the calibration of Dry Blocks as well so just send them in.

More information on the Technical info tab above.
Product code:

Options Available

Temp1: 1 Point, Temp3: 3 Points, Temp5: 5 Points, Temp10: 10 Points

Technical Information

With temperature calibration its best to send in not just your probe but the readout and probe as one unit – then we can test the whole system for you to make sure you are making correct measurements.

We can include a ice point check for your reference probes.

We have a number of temperature calibration options, from a couple of readings around a certain temperature value, through to a 10 point reference probe calibration – just ask, we can help you decide what calibration is best for you and your equipment.

We use a Fluke 9190A for our low temperature work and a Fluke 9144 for our high temperature calibrations – these are two very good dry blocks so if you are in the market for a dry block talk to Chris and ask what he thinks of them.

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