Today’s expansion is into our pressure lab up in Auckland. We have installed another Fluke PPC4 70 bar pressure controller to compliment our existing 70 bar unit.
With our success of moving into the calibration of multi function process calibrators, plus our day to day work on high end digital gauges increasing, our 1st pressure controller was being tied up most days for nearly all day. The decision was made to purchase a similar unit to our Fluke PPC3. Basically this now doubles our capability allowing us to do turn around digital gauges and process calibrators even quicker. Especially the devices with 3 or 4 pressure sensors.
This controller has two internal ultra high accuracy Quartz Reference pressure transducers ( QRPT’S) with accuracies better than 80 PPM i.e. 0.008 % of Reading accuracy. Which allows us to calibrate high accuracy devices from 2 bar right up to 70 bar.
Like our other two pneumatic pressure controllers this uses 80 bar air supply as the supply pressure and then controls and regulates this air down to the pressure set point we require for pressure calibration. They do this very accurately and very fast.
Like our other 3 pressure controllers, this can be used with the Fluke compass for pressure software which allows calibration by automation, further improving our throughput, service and accuracy.
Check out another recent blog on calibration by automation, to learn more.
The calibration of this device is then in turn calibrated by our fully automated Piston Gauge , check it out here .