Yesterday we had our IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand) audit for our new temperature lab in New Plymouth. CPS was due it’s three-yearly audit for Calibration of infrared temperature guns and IR cameras. But with the addition of Paul Martin and Nathan Ryder to the CPS team, this audit was transferred to our new office in New Plymouth, where Paul is the Laboratory Manager.
So after some massive hours by Paul to get all the equipment checked out and ready in a couple of weeks (for temperature he has to do hundreds of measurements on the equipment, to work our how it performs – Temperature is a bit of a beast in that aspect – no just unpacking it and start using it!), we were ready on time (just).
These technical audits are a bit of a grilling – we get an IANZ auditor to lead the assessment and we also have a technical expert from The Callaghan Institute in Wellington, ex Measurement Standards lab of Industrial Research. On this occasion we had the newly appointed head of Temperature Standards, Peter Saunders – so the big boss – no pressure! Pun intended as it was a temperature day yesterday, not pressure. So we had Gavin Tasker from IANZ grilling us on all our paperwork, which is our Quality Manual and Quality Systems – this is all about the staff and CPS and making sure we are meeting the requirements of the ISO 17025 standard.
The Quality System is what sets labs apart from the others and gives you confidence in what CPS does for you. Its like you coming into our Lab and doing your own audit. Together with this manual we have a Test Method Manual which dictates how we actually do calibrations using our new Fluke Dry Blocks.
So after a grueling 9 hour audit, with a 40 min break for lunch, we passed with flying colours. One thing Kirsty and I strive for in these audits is to have no CARs – no not Cars, but no Corrective Action Requirements on our Conditions of Registration. CARs must be done, fixed, or taken care of before IANZ registration can continue or is expanded. Yesterday we achieved our goal – no CARs along with comments on how well we did! This is a massive achievement for Paul and Kirsty, as we had new staff, new equipment, new procedures, new lab and new additions to our terms (all this in just on a month). Achieving this means we can now undertake the broadest range of temperature calibration of any IANZ lab in New Zealand. We can calibrate instruments from -100 to 660° C. This is only the start of CPS New Plymouth becoming the Temperature Cal Lab of choice for New Zealand industry.
Paul and Nathan can carry out calibration of temperature probes, thermometers, and gauges, as well as onsite for enclosures and autoclaves – give them a call at CPS New Plymouth on 06 755 4949 or visit them at 39B Connett Road West, Bell Block. Plus of course, they undertake a full pressure calibration service as well.