
Additel Land Communication Software

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This Additel Land software is a free download from the Additel web site.

It is used to communicate with a number of the Additel devices like the AT 680W which is used to download the data from the 680W as well as start and stop a log and set up the 680W logging parameters. As the 680W communicates wirelessly there is a special version of the Land software just for the 680W so make sure you download the correct version.

You can also use the this Land software to set up you ADT 681 digital gauge, change its operating parameters, auto off length, adjust the span, change the number of decimal places and more, and if you have a ADT 681 as a logger this is the software you would use to set up your 681 for logging as well as download the Data.

If you are using the Additel pressure and process calibrators and saving your test result into these products then this is the software you would use to download these test results to your PC. Products like the 760,761,22x series.

To download this free software click on this link, this will take you the Additel Page, then scroll down until you see the Additel 9500 Land software and download it.

Land Software Download
Product code: 9500

Technical Information


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